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Stream word meaning and definition

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Meaning and definition
Synonyms for stream
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Meaning and definition for "stream" word

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[noun] the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression
[noun] a steady flow (usually from natural causes); "the raft floated downstream on the current"; "he felt a stream of air"
[noun] dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas; "two streams of development run through American history"; "stream of consciousness"; "the flow of thought"; "the current of history"
[noun] a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth
[noun] something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously; "a stream of people emptied from the terminal"; "the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"
[verb] exude profusely; "She was streaming with sweat"; "His nose streamed blood"
[verb] move in large numbers; "people were pouring out of the theater"; "beggars pullulated in the plaza"
[verb] flow freely and abundantly; "Tears streamed down her face"
[verb] to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind; "their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind."
[verb] rain heavily; "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"
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\Stream\ (str[=e]m), n. [AS. stre['a]m; akin to OFries. str[=a]m, OS. str[=o]m, D. stroom, G. strom, OHG. stroum, str[=u]m, Dan. & Sw. str["o]m, Icel. straumr, Ir. sroth, Lith. srove, Russ. struia, Gr. "ry`sis a flowing, "rei^n to flow, Skr. sru. [root]174. Cf. {Catarrh}, {Diarrhea}, {Rheum}, {Rhythm}.] 1. A current of water or other fluid; a liquid flowing continuously in a line or course, either on the earth, as a river, brook, etc., or from a vessel, reservoir, or fountain; specifically, any course of running water; as, many streams are blended in the Mississippi; gas and steam came from the earth in streams; a stream of molten lead from a furnace; a stream of lava from a volcano. 2. A beam or ray of light. ``Sun streams.'' --Chaucer. 3. Anything issuing or moving with continued succession of parts; as, a stream of words; a stream of sand. ``The stream of beneficence.'' --Atterbury. ``The stream of emigration.'' --Macaulay. 4. A continued current or course; as, a stream of weather. ``The very stream of his life.'' --Shak. 5. Current; drift; tendency; series of tending or moving causes; as, the stream of opinions or manners. {Gulf stream}. See under {Gulf}. {Stream anchor}, {Stream cable}. (Naut.) See under {Anchor}, and {Cable}. {Stream ice}, blocks of ice floating in a mass together in some definite direction. {Stream tin}, particles or masses of tin ore found in alluvial ground; -- so called because a stream of water is the principal agent used in separating the ore from the sand and gravel. {Stream works} (Cornish Mining), a place where an alluvial deposit of tin ore is worked. --Ure. {To float with the stream}, figuratively, to drift with the current of opinion, custom, etc., so as not to oppose or check it. Syn: Current; flow; rush; tide; course. Usage: {Stream}, {Current}. These words are often properly interchangeable; but stream is the broader word, denoting a prevailing onward course. The stream of the Mississippi rolls steadily on to the Gulf of Mexico, but there are reflex currents in it which run for a while in a contrary direction.
\Stream\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Streamed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Streaming}.] 1. To issue or flow in a stream; to flow freely or in a current, as a fluid or whatever is likened to fluids; as, tears streamed from her eyes. Beneath those banks where rivers stream. --Milton. 2. To pour out, or emit, a stream or streams. A thousand suns will stream on thee. --Tennyson. 3. To issue in a stream of light; to radiate. 4. To extend; to stretch out with a wavy motion; to float in the wind; as, a flag streams in the wind.
\Stream\, v. t. To send forth in a current or stream; to cause to flow; to pour; as, his eyes streamed tears. It may so please that she at length will stream Some dew of grace into my withered heart. --Spenser. 2. To mark with colors or embroidery in long tracts. The herald's mantle is streamed with gold. --Bacon. 3. To unfurl. --Shak. {To stream the buoy}. (Naut.) See under {Buoy}.

Synonyms for stream

current, current, flow, flow, flow, pelt, pour, pour, pullulate, rain buckets, rain cats and dogs, swarm, teem, watercourse, well out

See also: course | crossing | crowd together | drift | eddy | float | flow | maelstrom | meander | move | movement | ooze | outpouring | rain down | river | sluice down | spill out | tidal stream | tidewater river | undercurrent |

The fun area, different aproach to word »stream«

Let's analyse "stream" as pure text. This string has Six letters in One syllable and Two vowels. 33.3% of vowels is 5.3% less then average English word. Written in backwards: MAERTS. Average typing speed for these characters is 1635 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: ... - .-. . .- --


Hearts desire number calculated from vowels: stream: 5 + 1 = 6, reduced: 6 . and the final result is Six.
Destiny number calculated from all letters: stream: 1 + 2 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 4 = 22, reduced: 22, and the final result is Twenty-Two.

Tarot cards

Letter Num. Tarot c. Intensity Meaning
A (1) 1 Magician Creative, Inventive, Intuitive
E (1) 5 Hierophant Wise, Crafty, Daring, Inventive
M (1) 13 Death Creator, Developer, Builder
R (1) 18 Moon Patient, Determined, Strong
S (1) 19 Sun Colorful, Bright, Perceptive
T (1) 20 Judgement Unswerving, Steadfast, Demanding, Forceful

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